$ 0.00
Product Description
Chronoclock Drama CD is a short story featuring Cro. While lounging around the Sawatari household she enlists D.D. to find out more about the girls that are close to Rei and their relationship to him. Naturally curious about humans, Cro reasons that whoever Rei gets together with will be someone that will also end up being in contact with Cro as well. Leave it to Detective D.D. to get the scoop!
- My name is Cro (我輩はクロである) 5:12
- A brief summary (軽いまとめ) 2:35
- D.D., who comes from England (D・Dはイギリス娘である) 8:15
- Sawatari Michiru, Sawatari Rei’s little sister (沢渡満は沢渡澪の妹である) 11:04
- The friends, Andou Misaki and Mizuki Miu (安藤美咲と鈴木みうは親友である) 17:50
- Jounouchi Makoto, the yakuza daughter (城之内真琴はヤクザの娘である) 7:42
- Putting together everything up until now (と、ここでネタばらし) 3:43
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