Official Statement Regarding Removal Of Products From Site

This notice is to inform everyone that a number of digital titles have been removed from Denpasoft and are currently unavailable for sale. Initially, we were contacted by our bank to remove certain titles that matched criteria that the bank had flagged. Considering the situation we are being put in, we have complied with these requests out of an overabundance of caution.
Affected Titles:
Childhood Friends with Benefits
Kagura Games
Slave’s Sword
Slave’s Sword 2
Sonia and the Hypnotic City
Trapped on Monster Island
Cyborpunk Crisis
Dark Side Fantasy EP1 & EP2
Golden Legend ~ Harald Quest ~
Knight Slave -The Dark Valkyrie of Depravity-
Submission of Super Cute Girls
Holy Paladin Cynthia
Holy Slave Academy
KuroInu 2 Redux
Revenge of the Orcs Flag of Big Green Cock
During this time, users who have already purchased the above titles will not be able to download them either. Unfortunately, there is no timetable as to when these issues will be resolved. In addition, there may be other titles that may get removed but we will try to inform everyone should this situation happen. We apologize for the inconvenience this will likely cause our users and will do what we can to find a solution to this matter.
Should you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to us via support ticket.